When is Blue Monday 2018? (And how you can beat it with your pet!)

Aaaah... don't you just love January?  Jeans that are too tight; bank balances that would make Martin Lewis have a panic attack; failed detox diets; back-to-work blues....

When is Blue Monday 2018? 

Because of the dismal combination of gloomy weather, unpaid credit card bills, post-christmas blues and already abandoned New Year's resolutions, the third Monday of January has been declared as the most depressing day of the year. 

This year, Blue Monday falls on Monday 15th January 2018.  But fear not!  We have some top tips to help you overcome Blue Monday 2018 and (dare we say!) actually enjoy yourself... 

1) Embrace the weather

Ok, so it's dark and dingy outside, but we all feel so much better after a big adventure outdoors don't we?  So, this Blue Monday, grab your wellies, wrap up in your Christmas scarf and head off to a wood, forest, moorland or beach - somewhere where you haven't been before that will add to your sense of exploration and adventure.  If you have a dog, they will love you for it too - especially if they can roam free off the leash and explore their surroundings to their heart's content.  If you are working on the Monday, make time to get out for a big adventure at the weekend - the benefits will stretch into the week.

2) Start an early spring clean 

I don't know about you, but whenever the house is clean and tidy I feel SO much better!  Also, when the weather is finally starting to get nice outside in the Spring, I really don't want to be stuck inside doing house-y jobs - I want to be enjoying the time outside with my kids and furry friends!   So, on the days leading up to Blue Monday 2018, why not kickstart an early spring clean?  It doesn't have to be major, just start with a declutter and tackle some of those areas that you often ignore.  Don't forget your pet too - use Vamoosh pet hair dissolver to wash their pet bed to remove all dirt, bad smells and pet hair so that they get the benefits of your early spring clean too.  By giving your house a good once over, you can wake up on Blue Monday in the knowledge that you have a clean and fresh home. 

3. Spend time with friends (especially other pet loving friends!) 

You don't need to be an expert to recognise that spending time with other people is good for our mood.   So, this Blue Monday 2018, why not make a specific arrangement to get together with some friends - even better, friends with other pets so your furry friend/s can socialise too?  If you're counting the pennies, invite your mates over for a cuppa or arrange to go for a walk.  Seeing other people and other dogs/pets will help fight against that gloomy Blue Monday feeling. 

4. Take your dog to work (if the boss allows it!)

Ok, so this may not apply to a lot of people, but those of you who have a pretty flexible working environment may be able to ask your boss in advance if you can take your pooch into work this Blue Monday 2018.  It's well documented that taking dogs to work reduces employee-stress and has other benefits such as increasing morale and employee performance so that everyone's a winner!  Also, you never know, you may be able to convince your employer to allow you to bring your doggy into work on a regular basis! 

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