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Instagram star and blogger 'Lynsey Queen of Clean' one of the key cleaners on Channel 4’s Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners and self-confessed cleaning addict, reviews 'Vamoosh Pet Hair Dissolver'

Becoming a dog owner was not easy for me and I thought very long and hard about taking on this responsibility. Being a clean freak this was a huge step and so out of my comfort zone but for the sake of my children who had been begging for a dog for years I needed to get a grip.  Vamoosh Cleans Lucky for me there are some amazing products on the market that help keep your home clean tidy and pet hair free and Vamoosh is one of those amazing products. I  absolutely love it and now wouldn’t be without it, Vamoosh is so easy and simple to use and amazing at breaking down all the pet hair that can be found in your pets bedding. Since discovering Vamoosh I now rarely have a hair is sight. To read more about Lynsey's cleaning tips or to read about her journey, visit her blog here:






Instagram star Dolly Pawton tries out Vamoosh on her doggy bedding....


Fifi and Izzy Dabbles loved trying Vamoosh! 
Read the full review here:

Izzy Dabbles Vamoosh Review


Bruno the Mini Daschund helps his Mum wash the dog bedding...